
  /  News   /  Custom-made Calacatta Viola bathtub

Custom-made Calacatta Viola bathtub

This magnificent monolithic bathtub, with a diameter of 2 metres and a height of 1 metre, is sculpted in the precious Calacatta Viola marble from the upper Versilia region.Calacatta Viola is renowned for its purple veins, a colour reminiscent of the dye extracted from murici, used in antiquity for the togas of Roman senators, and considered one of the most precious. Since the Renaissance, the Medici family has favoured this material for its architectural works, celebrating its beauty and rarity. Today, thanks to the perfect blend of high technology and skilled craftsmanship, we are able to enhance this extraordinary marble, keeping its natural majesty and complexity intact. A true tribute to history and timeless elegance.